1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1.1. S2E

1.1.1. How do I know what S2E is doing?

  1. Enable execution tracing and use the fork profiler to identify the code locations that fork the most. In your LUA file, enable the ExecutionTracer, ModuleTracer and the ModuleExecutionDetector plugins. This will allow you to collect all fork locations. Additionally, you can use TranslationBlockTracer in order to have a detailed trace for each execution path, which you can view with the tbtrace tool. Finally, TranslationBlockTracer allows you to use the basic block coverage tool.

  2. Look at s2e-last/debug.txt and other files. These files list all the major events occurring during symbolic execution.

    S2E outputs “Firing timer event” into s2e-last/debug.txt once per second. If you do not see this event every second, it means that QEMU is stuck running plugin code (most likely because of a plugin bug) or constraint solver code (because of a complex query). To see which query is causing the problem, look at the query log.

  3. run.stats contains many types of statistics. S2E updates this file about every second, when executing symbolic code. See later in this FAQ for a description of its fields.

1.1.2. Execution seems stuck/slow. What to do?

First, ensure that you configured S2E properly.

  • If you used s2e_disable_all_apic_interrupts, you probably forgot an s2e_enable_all_apic_interrupts call somewhere in your code. Use this functionality with care, disabling interrupts can easily hang your guest OS.
  • Some constraints are hard to solve. Set a timeout in the constraint solver with --use-forked-stp and --max-stp-time=TimeoutInSeconds. If you do not see the “Firing timer event” message periodically in the debug.txt log file, execution got stuck in the constraint solver.
  • By default, S2E flushes the translation block cache on every state switch. S2E does not implement copy-on-write for this cache, therefore it must flush the cache to ensure correct execution. Flushing avoids clobbering in case there are two paths that execute different pieces of code loaded at the same memory locations. Flushing is very expensive in case of frequent state switches. In most of the cases, flushing is not necessary, e.g., if you execute a program that does not use self-modifying code or frequently loads/unloads libraries. In this case, use the --flush-tbs-on-state-switch=false option.
  • Make sure your VM image is minimal for the components you want to test. In most cases, it should not have swap enabled and all unnecessary background deamons should be disabled. Refer to the image installation tutorial for more information.

Second, throw hardware at your problem

Third, use S2E to selectively relax and/or overconstrain path constraints.

  • Understanding what to select can be made considerably easier if you attach a debugger to the S2E instance.
  • Check that the module under analysis is not doing unnecessary calls with symbolic arguments (e.g., printf). Use the s2e_get_example_* functions to provide a concrete value to printf without actually adding path constraints, to avoid disabling future paths. Unless a program reads the output of printf and takes decisions based on it, not adding constraints will not affect execution consistency from the point of view of the module under analysis.
  • If you use a depth-first search and execution hits a polling loop, rapid forking may occur and execution may never exit the loop. Moreover, depending on the accumulated constraints, each iteration may be slower and slower. Try to use a different search strategy or kill unwanted execution paths.
  • Try to relax path constraints. For example, there may be a branch that causes a bottleneck. Use the Annotation plugin to intercept that branch instruction and overwrite the branch condition with an unconstrained value. This trades execution consistency for execution speed. Unconstraining execution may create paths that cannot occur in real executions (i.e., false positives), but as long as there are few of them, or you can detect them a posteriori, this is an acceptable trade-off.

1.1.3. How do I deal with path explosion?

Use S2E to selectively kill paths that are not interesting and prevent forking outside modules of interest. The following describes concrete steps that allowed us to explore programs most efficiently.

  1. Run your program with minimum symbolic input (e.g., 1 byte) and with tracing enabled (see first section).
  2. Insert more and more symbolic values until path explosion occurs (i.e., it takes too long for you to explore all the paths or it takes too much memory/CPU resources).
  3. Extract the fork profile and identify the code locations that fork the most.
  4. If forking occurs outside the module of interest, the following may help:
    • Use the CodeSelector plugin to disable forking when execution leaves the module of interest
    • Concretize some symbolic values when execution leaves the module of interest. You may need to use the FunctionMonitor plugin to track function calls and concretize parameters.
    • Provide example values to library functions (e.g., to printf, as described previously)
  5. Kill the paths that you are not interested in:
    • You may only want to explore error-free paths. For example, kill all those where library functions fail.
    • You may only be interested in error recovery code. In this case, kill all the paths in which no errors occur.
    • Write a custom plugin that probes the program’s state to decide when to kill the path.
    • If you exercise multiple entry points of a library (e.g., a device driver), it may make sense to choose only one successful path when an entry point exits and kill all the others. Use the StateManager plugin to suspend the execution of all paths that returned from a library function until one return succeeds.
    • Kill back-edges of polling loops using the EdgeKiller plugin. You can also use this plugin when execution enters some block of code (e.g., error recovery).
  6. Prioritize paths according to a metric that makes sense for your problem. This may be done by writing a custom state searcher plugin. S2E comes with several examples of searchers that aim to maximize code coverage as fast as possible.

1.1.4. How to keep memory usage low?

You can use several options, depending on your needs.

  • Enable the shared framebuffer. By default, each state writes to its own framebuffer, which may add up to several megabytes to each state. However, it often does not matter what appears on the screen. In such case, use the --state-shared-memory=true option.
  • Disable forking when a memory limit is reached using the following KLEE options: --max-memory-inhibit and --max-memory=MemoryLimitInMB.
  • Explicitly kill unneeded paths. For example, if you want to achieve high code coverage and know that some path is unlikely to cover any new code, kill it.

1.1.5. How much time is the constraint solver taking to solve constraints?

Enable logging for constraint solving queries:

s2e = {
 kleeArgs = {
   "--use-query-log", "--use-query-pc-log",  "--use-stp-query-pc-log"

With this configuration S2E generates two logs: s2e-last/queries.pc and s2e-last/stp-queries.qlog. Look for “Elapsed time” in the logs.

1.1.6. What do the various fields in run.stats mean?

You can open run.stats in a spreadsheet as a CSV file. Most of the fields are self-explanatory. Here are the trickiest ones:

  • QueryTime shows how much time KLEE spent in the STP solver.
  • CexCacheTime adds to that time also the time spent while looking for a solution in a counter-example cache (which is enabled by the --use-cex-cache KLEE option). SolverTime shows how much time KLEE spent in total while solving queries (this includes all the solver optimizations that could be enabled by various solver-related KLEE options).
  • ResolveTime represents time that KLEE spent resolving symbolic memory addresses, however in S2E this is not computed correctly yet.
  • ForkTime shows how much time KLEE spent on forking states.