
The Annotations plugin combines monitoring and instrumentation capabilities to let users annotate single machine instructions or entire function calls. The user writes the annotation directly inside the S2E configuration file, using the Lua language.

This plugin can be used to manipulate:
  • single instructions
  • entire function calls

It requires FunctionMonitor, ModuleExecutionDetector and an OS monitor plugin (or the generic RawMonitor) as dependencies.

Setting up S2E for Annotation usage

An example of practical Annotation usage is shown in the Analyzing Windows Driver tutorial, as follows:

plugins = {

pluginsConfig = {}

-- OS monitor configuration (Win XP)
pluginsConfig.WindowsMonitor = {

-- Module detector configuration (pcntpci5.sys driver)
pluginsConfig.ModuleExecutionDetector = {
    pcntpci5_sys_1 = {
        moduleName = "pcntpci5.sys",
        kernelMode = true,

-- Annotation configuration
pluginsConfig.Annotation =
    ann1 = {
        beforeInstruction = true,
        switchInstructionToSymbolic = false
    ann2 = {
        active  = true,
        address = 0x1233a,
        callAnnotation = "copyup",
        paramcount = 4

-- Annotation to fiddle with driver buffer
function copyup (state, pluginState)
  buf = state:readParameter(0);
  len = state:reaParameter(3);
  for i = 0, len - 1, 1 do
        state:writeMemorySymb("copyup_buf", buf + i, 1);
  state:writeRegister("eax", 1);

-- Annotation to inspect driver status
function print_ebx (state, pluginState)
  status = state:readRegister("ebx");
  print("Driver status: " .. status);


Each annotation is defined in a single sub-module within an Annotation configuration block. This plugin accepts an arbitrary number of per-module sections. Per-module options are prefixed with “ann_section.” in the documentation (equivalent to ann1 and ann2 in the examples). Refer to the sections below for details.

Configuration options are semantically organized in three groups:
  • common for all annotations
  • specific to function call annotations
  • specific to single instruction annotations

Common options

These options are common to all types of annotations.


The name of the module. This must match the name returned by the monitoring plugin.[true|false]

Whether the annotation is active or not (default is false).


The native address of the instruction or the entry-point of the function to annotate.

Function call annotation

These options have to be used in order to annotate function calls.


The name of the Lua function to execute when the annotation triggers. This option also specifies that the user wants to annotate the entire function starting at module.address. The callAnnotation will be triggered twice: once when entering and again when returning from the annotated function call.


The number of input parameters taken by the annotated function, under the cdecl calling convention (default is 0). In fact, this assumes that all parameters are passed on the stack, and will not work with different calling conventions.

Instruction annotation

These options have to be used in order to annotate single instructions.


The name of the Lua function to execute when the annotation triggers. This option also specifies that the user wants to annotate only the single instruction at module.address. The instructionAnnotation will be triggered just once when execution reaches the annotated address.


Whether to call the annotation before or after the instruction (default is false).


Whether to switch to symbolic mode before executing the annotated instruction (default is false). Please note that symbolic execution is required in order to write symbolic values, ie. you will need to enable this setting in order to inject symbolic values via the Lua API. Failing to do so will result in S2E crash.

Configuration Sample

Here below is an example of a complete Annotation configuration stanza showing how to specify annotations for both function calls and single instructions.

pluginsConfig.Annotation = {
    -- function call annotation
    ann1 = {
        module  = "modA",
        active  = true,
        address = 0x0000CAFE,
        callAnnotation = "call_ann",
        paramcount = 1
    -- instruction annotation
    ann2 = {
        module  = "modB",
        active  = true,
        address = 0x0000DEAD,
        instructionAnnotation = "instr_ann",
        beforeInstruction = true,
        switchInstructionToSymbolic = true

Lua API For Annotations

All annotations have two positional parameters:
  1. the current execution state (curState from now on)
  2. the current plugin state (curPlgState from now on)

As such, the typical signature of a Lua annotation is as follows:

function my_ann (curState, curPlgState)
    -- do awesome stuff here

The execution state object can be manipulated using the ExecutionState object’s methods. Similarly, the plugin state parameter exposes the API of the Annotation plugin, which allows annotations to manipulate the plugin’s configuration at runtime.

The next two sections show a list of all available Lua API functions.

Execution State

  • curState:readParameter(param_no: int) -> int

    For function calls, return the value of input paramater number param_no. Similarly to the paramcount option, this assumes the cdecl calling convention with all parameters passed on the stack.

  • curState:writeParameter(param_no: int, p_value: int)

    For function calls, change the value of input paramater number param_no (of size p_size) to p_value. Similarly to the paramcount option, this assumes the cdecl calling convention with all parameters passed on the stack.

  • curState:readMemory(virtual_address: int, mem_size: int) -> int

    Read mem_size bytes from memory, starting at address virtual_address. The upper bound for mem_size is fixed by target architecture word size.

  • curState:writeMemory(virtual_address: int, mem_size: int, mem_value: int)

    Write mem_size bytes to memory, using content of mem_value, starting at address virtual_address. The upper bound for mem_size is fixed by target architecture word size.

  • curState:writeMemorySymb(“sym_label”: string, virtual_address: int, mem_size: int, [lower_bound: int, upper_bound: int])

    Write a symbolic value of size mem_size starting at address virtual_address. Additional constraints can be specified with the optional parameters, restricting symbolic values to the [lower_bound , upper_bound] range. sym_label is a mnemonic label used to track the symbolic value. Please note that the execution state must be in symbolic mode for this to work, ie. if you are annotating a single instruction you should take care of setting switchInstructionToSymbolic=true. Failing to do so will likely result in S2E crash.

  • curState:readRegister(“reg_name”: string) -> int

    Return the content of register reg_name.

  • curState:writeRegister(“reg_name”: string, “reg_value”: int)

    Write value reg_value to register reg_name.

  • curState:writeRegisterSymb(“reg_name”: string, “sym_label”: string)

    Write a symbolic value into register reg_name. sym_label is a mnemonic label used to track the symbolic value. Please note that the execution state must be in symbolic mode for this to work, ie. if you are annotating a single instruction you should take care of setting switchInstructionToSymbolic=true. Failing to do so will likely result in S2E crash.

  • curState:isSpeculative() -> bool

    Return whether the current state is executing in speculative mode, ie. it has been generated due to pre-forking in concolic mode. Such states could be actually discarded at a later point, if the solver finds them to be unreachable; for more details check the Concolic Execution documentation.

Current Plugin State

  • curPlgState:isCall() -> bool

    For function call annotations, whether the annotation has been triggered on a function call. Always return false for single instruction annotations.

  • curPlgState:isReturn() -> bool

    For function call annotations, whether the annotation has been triggered on function return. Always return false for single instruction annotations.

  • curPlgState:setValue(“key”: string, value: int)

    Store the (key, value) item in the plugin state internal key-value storage.

  • curPlgState:getValue(“key”: string)

    Retrieve the value corresponding to the index key from the plugin state internal key-value storage.

  • curPlgState:setKill(skip: bool)

    Set the internal isKill flag. This will cause the current S2E state to be terminated after the annotation returns.

  • curPlgState:setSkip(skip: bool)

    Set the internal isSkip flag. For function call annotations, this will cause the current function to be skipped.

  • curPlgState:activateRule(“ann_name”: string, active: bool) -> bool

    Activate or deactivate the ann_name annotation. Return true on normal execution, false on errors (eg. no annotations found with such name).

  • curPlgState:exit()

    Abort S2E execution.

Lua Annotation Sample

Here below is an example of a complete Lua annotation showing how manipulate a function call to inspect arguments and registers status, keeping track of values and injecting symbolic contents.

-- Annotation to fiddle with a function
function call_ann (curState, curPlgState)
  if plg:isCall() then
    -- Inspect relevant input on function call
    arg0 = state:readParameter(0)
    eax = state:readRegister("eax")
    print ("Calling function with with arg0=" .. arg0)
    curPlgState:setValue("eax", eax)
  elseif plg:isReturn() then
    -- Compare EAX values
    orig_eax = curPlgState::getValue("eax")
    new_eax = state:readRegister("eax")
    print ("Old EAX=" .. orig_eax .. ", new EAX=" .. new_eax)
    -- Inject a symbolic value on return into EAX
    state:writeRegisterSymb("eax", "sym_eax")