Current Projects
Our current interests are primarily in the computer security area:
- Performance interfaces
- Vigor and Klint (trustworthy software-based network devices)
- SVSHI (secure, verified smart-home infrastructure)
- TinyNF (fast and verifiable network drivers)
Past Projects
The following are past projects that are no longer in active research, but most are still in active development in the open-source community or in commercial settings.
- S2E (scalable model-free analysis of program binaries)
- CPI (fast and precise control-flow hijack protection)
- ASAP (take control of the security/performance trade-off)
- DDT (automated testing of proprietary drivers)
- ConfErr (tool suite for human configuration-error injection)
- Chef (converting language interpreters to symbolic executors)
- Cloud9 (automated software testing as a service)
- RaceMob (low overhead, accurate data race detection)
- ESD (execution synthesis)
- Portend (data race detector and classifier)
- Gist (automated root cause diagnosis)
- LFI (tool suite for library-level fault injection)
- Dimmunix (deadlock immunity)
- RevEng (reverse engineering)
- PDF Accessibility (accessibility in online education)
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